I am trying to develop a solution for autonomous indoor navigation. I am currently simulating it on Gazebo and using these elements:
- hector_quadrotor for the simulation in Gazebo
- hector_mapping for localization
- move_base for path planning
My problem is the link between my robot model (the base_link frame) and my scanmatcher_frame, created by hector_mapping and supposed to be my odom frame. The link between the two parts should be done by the hector_pose_estimation but I am facing 2 problems:
1) Should the nav frame of pose_estimation be transformed into the scanmatcher_frame directly?
2) The height sensing of the pose_estimation doesn't provide good results, how can I use the sonar_height information instead of the altimeter?
Is there simple ekf nodes to combine 2D pose estimation with height sensing in order to return a simple 3D pose?
Thank you for your help,