Hi everybody,
I am developing an autonomous indoor quadrotor. For the moment everything was simulated on Gazebo and worked well. Now I want to push everything on a real drone and make use of both a Pixhawk and the px4flow to get good low level control. These components were not included into the simulation.
My system relies on either hector_mapping or AMCL for the localization (depending on the situation I use on or the other...).
I am experimenting the connection between the px4 boards and ROS via Mavros. The topics are published but I don't really understand how to bridge mavros with my localization algorithms so that I can get an improved localization taking into account all the data available...
Here is my question! I guess I should use so Kalman filters to fuse all the information (optical flow from px4flow, IMU for Pixhawk, height for Pixhawk and 2D coordinates from localization - hector_slam or AMCL). Is there an available node for that? How do I need to use it?
Thanks for your help!